365 Daily Inspirations For - Fascinating Teen Girl
Being a teenage girl in a society that says you have to be a size and have designer clothes in order to be recognized and successful is unfortunate; but a reality. Every day more and more teenage girls fall prey to this limited form of thinking, due to the lack of encouragement and validation from those they care about or want to be like. This has to come to an end.
365 Daily Inspirations & Quotes For The Fascinating Teen Girl is a must read for all teenage girls who are dealing with the afflictions of self-image, self-esteem, peer pressures, and uncertainties of their future. In this book, Erica Mills-Hollis gives teenage girls, advice, encouragement and guidance they need to be happy, healthy and successful through a variety of quotes and inspirations for everyday of the year.
for the fascinating teen girl
Author: Erica Mills-Hollis
Pages: 96